Friday 28 February 2014

I found that for my essay I could have learnt and included more terminology, ensured the power terms I did include were accurate, improved the PEE structure and planned it in a lot more detail so that I was able to expand on my points better.
Target- Work on the planning stage for my essays and learn more terminolgy, ensuring it is accurate.
Task- Replan my answer in a lot more detail including all the correct terminology I could have used for my language and power essay.

Monday 27 January 2014

Phone advertisment- Analysis
The advertisement has been used in a woman's magazine. It therefore uses the female icon Beyonce as the face of the product. It uses typically girly colours like pink and the word "imagine" is pink. This makes the word stand out to the audience, right at the start, making the specific audience (those interested in pink and Beyonce) want to continue reading, possibly 'imagining' themselves as iconic as her if they have the phone. It also gives a magical effect giving the impression that the phone is 'out of this world'.
At the beginning of the writing it says "At last" giving the impression that it's what the reader has been waiting for. The effect of this may make the audience  immediately feel the desire to go out and buy the phone because it's  'what they've been waiting for'.
There are parts that could have a flattering affect on the audience. "reflects both sides of your personality". Not only does this use synthetic personalisation with the use of the word 'your' but it does this as a whole. It aims to compliment the audience, possibly making them feel as if they have a complex, interesting personality which is in need of this phone which is adapted to suit them as an individual.

Friday 10 January 2014

My Language and Technology investigation.
In the  guardian article '2b or not 2b?' that we looked at in class it, it says 'several organisations forbid the use of abbreviations, knowing that many readers will not understand them.' I have decided to investigate this by looking at clips from programmes such as big brother and the X factor which include comments sent in by the viewers to evaluate whether this is true and to what extent. I haven't been able to do a trial related to this today because the database wouldn't allow me to access Youtube so I will need to do this at home. I have recorded one episode of big brother that I will also use.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Transcript writing practice.                    

An extract from mine and Sami's

Sami: Umm (.) Right (.) in the top left (.) the top left corner (.) Umm (5) Right (.) go down a little bit from the top left then do a diagonal right.

Me: /a diagonal line?

Sami: Yeah but like

Me: /Going up?

Sami: Imagine like (.) a square (.) from the bottom left corner of the square

Me: /Bottom left corner? (eeee)

Sami: Yeah

Me: Nooo (2) Right (.) a diagonal line that goes up?

Sami: Yeah (.) that goes up from the bottom left corner

Me: (ohhh) (3) but does it?

Sami: /Right (.) Just do a diagonal line

Me: does it start at the bottom? (3) Wait (2) does it like take up (.) like the whole page?

Sami drew a variety of shapes on a piece of paper and then we turned back to back. He had to describe what he had drawn and I had to try and copy it with out looking. Obviously I was also unable to see his body language which made it even harder and added to the frustration and hesitation in our conversation. He decided to draw shapes like stars and crosses which were extremely difficult to describe without saying what they were. Our whole conversation lasted approximately 8 minutes and my picture didn't end up anywhere near similar to his. I think this shows that body language is often important when communicating.

Our conversation involved many pauses represented by the '(3)(.)(5).' This was mainly due to Sami thinking about how he was going to explain his picture and me processing the information. This resulted in it taking longer. Being a inpatient character and not understanding what he was describing very clearly, I interrupted on multiple occasions. This is represented by the '/'. The paralinguistic features, shown in the brackets, such as '(eeee)' displays my frustration because I was trying to understand and get my picture right. The question marks don't only represent when I was asking a question but also how the pitch of my voice goes higher. This often happens when I ask a question.

Friday 25 October 2013

First 500 words of my monologue    (stage directions)
Audience: 12+ year old children.
Purpose: Entertain and help gain awareness for problems in society such as bullying, stealing, abuse, etc.

My top life in Liverpool.
(Jimmy is a 12 year old boy living on a council estate in Liverpool. He lives a life full of bullying, stealing and making the wrong life choices which don't get him very far)

It wasn't me ma, I promise it wasn't. It was our bill, he did it ma, not me. It was the 29th time I 'ad blagged to her but she'd 'ave clipped me round the ear if I told her the truth. I'm 12. I aint scared of my ma, I just wanna make her proud. I was desperate though... I needed them new trainers. That lad was a divvy anyway. It was a cold night and I 'ad holes in me trainers 'cause our Shane is so crap at football he made me scuff 'em up. No jumper, no hat, nothing. Me ma don't have money for nice things so I nick 'em. I'm sorry for what I did though, it was a bit out of order. I didn't hurt no one, only scared him. Ma 'ad already told me off for skiving maths and going up the park that day. Maths is boring though. Much rather be playing Fifa at me mates house, me. It reminded me of the day I went to Manchester, an older lad got in me face, and threatened me. SMACK. I punched 'im round the 'ead and legged it. You don't get bullied if you're the bully now, do ya? Tuesday, we were there chillin' at the garages when Bizzies, 'de came up sayin' we'd been reported for 'anti-social behaviour' eh? We were only throwing stones at the old biddies walking past. Didn't even smash no windows. Ma 'ad a go 'cause I was an hour and a half late, missed me tea so I ate my entire chocolate stash that I nicked from the old corner shop last week... (giggles to himself) I got an ace pair of trainers down that market man, cost me buttons (giggles suspiciously) Plastic toys, tacky clothes, knock off perfume. You can buy all sorts of crap down them markets. One time right... I was walkin' down a jigger with me top lad Charlie. Shattered glass, litter, dirty needles, thousands of fag butts and a sock with a hole in it covered the ground. Typical street where I live. Ma' said I shouldn't walk down that jigger when it's dark but it was a short cut 'ome. Charlie was pooing his pants so I jumped out on 'im. He was on one for the rest of the night. Actin' 'ard in front of the birds and kickin' everything he saw. Funny night that was.

Bibliography (style model)

First 500 words of my brochure.
Audience: people with disabilities and long term health conditions
Purpose: to inform and persuade slightly

Front cover:
Seek Employment
Know your rights
A guide for people with disabilities or long-term health conditions.

Advice on...
Your rights under ADA
Finding and requesting reasonable accommodation       How to file a charge if your rights have been violated

Be happy at work!

Second Page:
About this booklet
This booklet has been produced to help you find work, ensure you know your rights in the workplace and protect you from discrimination. It includes all the information you need and a list of organisations that you can contact in order to help you.
Your top 3 tips for knowing your rights in the workplace.....................3
Top tips for ensuring you get reasonable accommodation...................4
Filing a charge..............................................................................5
Are you protected by the ADA?.......................................................6
What should you do if your ADA rights have been violated?................7
Is there any cost involved and do you need a lawyer to file a charge?..8
What happens next?.....................................................................9
Educational Opportunities.............................................................10
Help and advice..........................................................................11
Third Page:
Your top five tips for knowing your rights in the workplace
Following these tips will make you more aware of your rights and help you understand what you can do when you feel your rights have been violated.
1.Know if you are protected by the ADA
The ADA defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits a major life activity such as speaking, hearing, seeing, thinking, walking, breathing or performing manual tasks. This qualifies you to be protected by the ADA.
2. Know your rights under the ADA
The ADA protects you from discrimination against all employment practices. You have a right against harassment and an employer cannot fire or discipline you for asserting your rights under the ADA.
3. Know what reasonable accommodation is
Reasonable accommodation is any change or adjustment to a job, the work environment, or the way things are usually done that would allow you to apply, perform and enjoy equal access to benefits in that workplace.
Fourth page:
Top tips for ensuring you get reasonable accommodation
Reasonable accommodation is the most important thing for you when seeking employment because it ensure you gain all the help you need so you can enter carry out your new job successfully.
  • Accommodation isn't all about the location. Some common types of accommodation include physical changes to the work environment such as a ramp, non physical changes such as a sign language interpreter, time off when needed or training in accessible formats.
  • You are able to request a reasonable accommodation at any time during the application process or any time before or after you start working.
  • You can request reasonable accommodation by letting your employer know that you need an adjustment or change because of your disability. You do not need to complete any special forms or use technical language to do this.
Halla, I was unable to post this on turnitin because word has ran out on my computer. I will write it up when we come back. As it is a brochure it is also hard to see the correct layout which it will eventually be in.

Friday 11 October 2013

Travel writing
Exciting, magical, animating. Just a few words that come to mind when i think about Disney Land Paris. If you want a holiday full of adventure and adrenaline then this is the place for you. I remember arriving in the evening to be greeted by the bright flashing lights that surrounded me. Our first stop was the buffet. A minimal twenty euros for a taste of every country known to man. I was 10 and absolutely over the moon to be joined by Minnie Mouse herself- my first picture and autograph, with many more to come. The thought of getting pleasure out of being stuck in a hot and stuffy costume all day, surrounded by screaming children is beyond me! But I was entertained. Being a reckless, 'unworried about anything' child, I was up for the big, scary rides. The next day I was straight on them with my mum, sister, friends and Phoebes mum. We quickly found our favourite 'The rock and rolla coaster.' 'Walk this way, talk this way' was screeching loudly in my ears as the ride pulled away at the speed of lightening. The flashing lights, the loops, the sharp turns. Never will I know what it's like to be on ecstasy for the first time but I'm pretty sure that feeling was close. We went on it seven times in a row. I don't think anyone else was crazy enough to go on it, are you? With my head pounding and stomach churning I decided to eat some candyfloss. That was not a good idea! Bleurrr. All over the floor. It was a quick recovery, running over to daffy duck and pushing all the other children out of the way, all for a blurry picture that my mum must have took. We went to the Disney parade early to get a good view of the magnificent sight... and that it was. Glitter, costumes, colours. I was in awe. Later in the evening we went to Planet Hollywood. I tucked into a MASSIVE plate of ribs and looked through 376 blurred photos of Dumbo the elephant from the parade. I had taken them myself this time but, to be fair, I was 10 and the parade carts were moving! I loved that holiday. Disney Land- where dreams and wishes come true.